Friday, August 28, 2009


I am liking this whole having Friday's off thing already! I sat around and did nothing today except drink tea, watch movies, and eventually baked a cake in the afternoon. I did, however, finally got around to scanning the pictues from when Rachel was here, so lets get on to that.

Monday, August 24, 2009

These changes, aint changin' me,

Summer is officially over. I started my comp. and government classes today and both went well- it was the first day though, so that's a given anyway. I'm excited for my composition class because Mr. Johnson (recommended by Phoebe) is already such a great professor and is just a breath of fresh air. Anyway, although I'm glad I'm taking the classes I am, I just feel unmotivated because a huge part of me feels like I should be in Chicago...I know waiting two years in Florida until I get my degree is the smart thing to do but I don't want to be smart, I want to be doing something I love, you know?

Besides that, I have a cold and wish I could stay in bed all day tomorrow (soup, tea, and a stack of movies would be nice too) instead of waking up and going to my math class.

Also, I plan to finish scanning and editing the pictures from when Rachel visited and have those up soon! Until then, some inspiration from my one of my favorite artists...I wish I was half of what she is.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Monday, August 17, 2009

Endless Summer In Your Life,

This has been the absolute best summer ever, which is hard to believe since last summer was so good. I never wrote about me, Phoebe, and Matt's roadtrip to Atlanta, besides posting the pictures in my last entry. I try to avoid writing in detail because I'm not very articulate (a big reason I'd rather let my pictures do the talking) but our trip was so good that I keep wanting to talk about it haha.

Anyway, the night before we left, Matt's band Proud Iron Lion played a show in Ybor and then had a moving out party afterwards. It was fun as usual but drinking til 6:30 AM and then leaving for Georgia at 10...well yeah, haha. We made pretty good driving time heading up there and thankfully my car was a champion the whole time. The first night we stayed in Atlanta with a couple (Kris & Emilie) who we met through They were incredible hosts and a main reason our trip was so good. We expected them to just lend a place to sleep, but they actually wanted to show us around town. The first night we got in they took us to downtown Atlanta and explored a little then they picked up some beer and we snuck in to the Atlanta cemetary and got to see MLK's grave too. We were supposed to stay the next night in Atlanta too, but at another girls house, but we had such a great time with Kris & Emilie they offered their home to us a second night. The day before the show we all bought rafts and they took us to the Chattahoochee River (which was beatiful!) It was basically the definition of a perfect summer day because we just drank beer and floated down the river for four hours. Monday we explored downtown Atlanta a little, said our goodbyes, and headed to Athens for the show. Athens is such a cute little town and the venue was a good size. We only got there an hour before doors opened but were the first ones there and right in front of the stage. ANYWAY, this post is now far too long for its own good, but here is M. Ward's setlist from July 27th:

1. One Hundred Million Years (+Duet For Guiatrs #3 in the middle)
2. Fuel For Fire
3. Hold Time
4. Poor Boy, Minor Key
5. Poison Cup
6. Stars Of Leo
7. To Save Me
8. I Get Ideas
9. Fool Says
10. Big Boat
11. John Fahey cover
12. Fisher Of Men
13. To Go Home
14. Requiem
15. Chinese Translation
16. Rave On
17. Rollover Beethoven (Chuck Berry Cover)
18. Magic Trick
19. Vincent O'Brien
+ 2 pictures from Rachel's visit until I scan the others!

Monday, August 10, 2009

So busy,

I haven't been neglecting this on purpose! I have been non-stop on the go, here and there, etc. etc. I'll keep it short for now: Atlanta and M. Ward was a 2009 highlight, Rachel and Florida is my new favorite combination, and there are two weeks left of the best summer of my life.